Be My Butterfly
AR Fundraising | Museum Exhibit
The Strong National Museum of Play
This first-of-its-kind AR fundraising experience welcomes kids of all ages to The Strong National Museum of Play’s new Video Game Hall of Fame and interactive exhibit wing. Serving as both a permanent exhibit and fundraising opportunity for the Museun's expansion, donors’ names are embedded into the augmented reality (AR) experience. Visitors can tap on the names to release unique, colorful butterflies that ascend to the OLED butterfly sculpture suspended from the atrium ceiling above.
Initially conceived only as an augmented reality mapping and identification tool for the OLED butterfly sculpture, NOVABY recognized the opportunity to amplify the Museum's efforts and increase their return on investment by reimagining the experience as a permanent, playful, interactive butterfly exhibit that could grow and evolve with the Museum while also accomplishing their fundraising goals. Located at the Museum’s new main entrance lobby, the experience compliments one of the Museum’s most popular exhibits – a live butterfly conservatory located at the opposite end of the site.
Working closely with the Museum’s staff, NOVABY custom designed, crafted and fitted the experience into their new lobby while incorporating their brand colors and rainbow palette. Donors have creatively used this opportunity to not only recognize their own donations, but also to honor and remember loved ones and those who have contributed to the Museum’s expansion and community.
The Strong National Museum of Play
Hoverlay (Unity)
Concepting, design, production & implementation
3D Art & Animation
AR Development